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How to evaluate the production capacity of pulp molding machine

Source: DateTime:2021-10-07 Hits:3132
The production capacity of pulp molding machine equipment is the main index of pulp molding production line. How to evaluate the production capacity of pulp molding machine is a very professional question. The production capacity of the equipment directly determines the cost of the molded pulp products; and the production capacity of each equipment determines the total production capacity and supply capacity of the whole plant.

For example, some pulp molding equipment with a claimed production capacity of 1 ton or higher have an actual production capacity of only 650 kg, or even 500 kg. Begentrants often do not pay attention to this problem. But if not take the correct judgment, the new pulp molding enterprise has lost in the equipment selection.

1.How to evaluate the production capacity of a pulp molding machine
A pulp molding machine has a different production capacity when producing different pulp molding products.
In order to facilitate the comparison of the production capacity of different pulp molding machines, the national industry standard uniformly stipulates that the production capacity of a pulp molding equipment is measured and assessed by the daily output (weight) of the standard 10-inch round tray (21g). But in the actual market demand, the 10-inch tray weight is basically 20 grams.
Therefore, the equipment production capacity index of the equipment sales contract of the pulp molding machine is generally assessed with the 20-gram standard 10-inch tray as the measurement standard. Generally old and experienced molded pulp product manufacturers have already done this when purchasing pulp molding machine equipment.

2.Some pulp molding equipment manufacturers adopt the following tricks to make new enterprises misjudge the production capacity of pulp molding equipment
Trick (1), use higher weight square box products as a measurement reference to measure and publicize the production capacity of their pulp molding machines
The same pulp molding machine can produce 20 grams of a 10-inch tray of 600 kg daily or 40 grams of square box products of 1-1.2 tons per day.
In this way, a new person or business entering the pulp molding industry has the illusion of the production capacity of the equipment.Pulp molding equipment of 600 kg will be mistaken for machines of 1 ton.

Trick (2),The increased weight of the 9-inch tray product is used to improve the production capacity of the pulp molding machine
On the market, 9-inch trays are also used to measure the production capacity of pulp molding machines. The standard weight of the 9-inch tray is 15 grams (14~15 grams) and the national industry standard allows weight deviation is ±5% .Then the standard weight deviation of the 9 inch tray is ± 0.75 g, and the maximum standard weight value of the 9 inch tray is 15.75 g.Some equipment salesmen, call the weight of the 9-inch tray 16 ± 2 grams.Raise the weight of the 9-inch tray to a maximum of 18 grams.
They used an 18-g 9-inch tray to boost the production capacity of their equipment.It was 3 grams more than the normal 15 grams, adding 20% more weight.Usually new companies don't pay attention to this problem.
This trick made his equipment production capacity of 20% higher than his normal production capacity.The 800 kg capacity equipment becomes a 1 ton capacity equipment.

Trick (3),Use the full 24 hours to calculate the daily production capacity
A day is 24 hours, and that's right. However, the industry routine is that when evaluating the daily production capacity of the pulp molding machine, the normal discount time is 1 to 1.5 hours.The daily production capacity of the evaluation equipment may not be used for 24 hours.Even if the equipment does not stop working for a minute, one hour per day must be allowed for shift inspection, normal maintenance, and cleaning, etc.One hour less computing time yields 5% less production capacity.

Trick (4),Take the theoretical production capacity of the equipment as the actual production capacity, without leaving any surplus.
Because there is a gap between theoretical and actual production capacity, a 10% surplus must be left to ensure the actual production capacity of the plant.
From trick (2) -trick (4), the deviation between actual production capacity and theoretical production capacity =20% + 5% + 10% + 10%=35%, called production capacity of 1 ton, is pulp molding equipment of about 650 kg.

3,Production ± 10% Tips
When the equipment quotation or contract, some equipment manufacturers will add this one: equipment production allowable deviation ± 10%. What the pulp molding industry says is equipment production capacity is the minimum production the device must achieve.Can only be a positive deviation, do not accept the negative deviation. But lots of clients always tend to ignore this.
If this provision is accepted, then it is to accept the negative deviation in the production capacity of the equipmen(-10%).So, the claimed production capacity of 1 ton of pulp molding equipment only 900 kilograms is in line with the agreement.
From trick (2) to trick (4), the equipment production capacity deviation has been-35%, that is, 350 kg.Finally, the pulp molding equipment production capacity is only 900-350=550 kg.
The equipment, which had a production capacity of 1 ton, became only 550 kilograms.And still in line with the agreement.

4. How to correctly evaluate the production capacity of the pulp molding equipment
Take the standard 10-inch tray (20 g) as the acceptance standard.Pulp molding industry talks about the equipment production capacity refers to the minimum daily production of equipment.
Note the following production capacity calculation methods:
(1) Heavy square box products cannot be taken as the measurement standard,
(2) A 9-inch tray of 16 ± 2 g cannot be used as the measurement standard, It can be measured with a 9-inch tray of 15 ± 0.75 g.
(3) The output shall not be ± by 10%.